The Future of Palantir Technologies

The Investing Opportunity
4 min readMar 10, 2021


The Future of Palantir — ‘Foundry Light’ | An Original Concept w/ Mockups | The Next Step for PLTR!

In this post, I’m going to share some original concept images that I spent a few hours putting together. To be clear, these are mockups that are not affiliated with Palantir in any way, neither am I. But I do want to talk about what the future roadmap could look like for this business.


I am not invested because of what speculation you’ll read throughout this writing— not at all. I’m invested in Palantir because I think the two main software platforms they have already are world-class and ready for prime-time over the next five years.

The usage of Palantir Gotham by the United States Intelligence Community and Department of Defense speaks for itself as it drives the majority of the revenue for PLTR. Palantir Foundry, on the other hand, in its current state, is well below its potential market saturation. With only hundreds of the targeted thousands of clients using its software, Palantir has a massive opportunity ahead of it with its existing products.

Some investors are turned away since Palantir’s business is seemingly held back by its only value being ascribed to partnerships with other companies and the US government. That said, looking far out, Palantir does need to be able to scale down from the current high-tier operations of DoD and Fortune companies.

Foundry Light — The Idea

I am going to discuss what Palantir could do in the future to capture an even greater amount of enterprise market-share by moving downstream with a medium-to-small business product — dubbed Foundry Light. (Shoutout to Brian Griffo for the name idea!)

Light, in this instance, is referring to the software stack being a simplified organizer with a more basic digital twin to predict future activities and flag potential problems for small businesses.

When creating the concept images, I was reminded about companies such as Square and Stripe in a market that Palantir could really bring their software expertise from higher levels into play for an even greater addressable market.

Foundry Light — The Concept

I created two concept images. The first one shows the Foundry Light software running on a laptop and desktop.

The second mockup image shows a Foundry Light login on a phone with the tagline Powerful Mobile Data Transformation.

Foundry Light — The Greater Meaning

For investors, the way I think of a potential product like Palantir Foundry Light is as a hypothetical call-option on this future product being widely successful. It’s not in the cards as of yet, much like Tesla’s FSD completion is not yet a guarantee.

Again, this offers Palantir the ability to expand way beyond its current offerings such as Amazon expanded past just selling books, Google went into marketing, hardware, and cloud services, and Tesla focused on AI and solar energy, among other sectors.

It’s about more than just disrupting government and enterprise software but also creating new markets and ecosystems through innovating to customer demands.

Just like Apple builds both the software (App Store) and hardware (iPhone, Mac, and iPad) so nobody can copy to replace it, and just as Tesla builds an energy infrastructure with hardware (cars) and software (FSD).

How could PLTR scale and extend further to go mainstream so that every single day people use its software as many do with the Microsoft Office suite.

Foundry Light — When?

As far as I know, Palantir would be one of the first to bring such advanced computations to mobile devices if it were to re-write today’s Foundry to mobile. Nevertheless, thinking this way about how to better push the envelope even years out can continue to fend off any potential competition.

But you might be thinking, as I did, initially that Palantir already has something like this for mobile in the pipeline planned. Let’s rewind to Demo Day and see what they had to say.

So, yes, that was something that Palantir had mentioned previously, but remember that Foundry Light would be a much simplified stack devoid of handling that which big businesses struggle to keep up with and instead just focused on the aforementioned scaled down digital twin to make predictions and flag problems on desktop, laptop, or mobile.


That, ultimately is how I see the future of a lighter Palantir platform for small businesses. I find this idea very exciting as the potential applications are nearly endless!

Until next time…

